3 erstatnings løsninger fundet

Eksisterende pumpe - Trykstigning Pumpekurve

Fabrikat Ældre Wilo
Produkt navn MVI 208 3~
Artikelnummer 4024671
Byggelængde 160 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange Rp 25 PN16
Nominel effekt 1,5 kW
Pumpehøjde 703 mm
Midt rør/gulv 50 mm

Udskiftningspumpe Udskiftningblad

Produkt navn Helix V 410-1/16/E/KS/400-50
Artikelnummer 4160528
MEI ≥ 0,7
IE 3
Byggelængde 160 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange Rp 25 PN16
Nominel strøm 3 A
Nominel effekt 1,5 kW
Pumpehøjde 875 mm
Midt rør/gulv 50 mm
Medietemperatur -30 - +120 °C


Passer uden krav om ombygning af rørsystemet.
Kontrollér driftspunkt, også pumpe Helix V 409 kan passe, varenr. 4160526.

Helix V 410-1/16/E/KS/400-50

Helix V 410-1/16/E/KS/400-50
Artikelnummer : 4160528
VVS-nummer :

Dine fordele
  • Effektivitetsoptimeret, lasersvejset 2D-/3D-hydraulik med gennemstrømnings- og afgasningsoptimering
  • Pumpehjul, styrehjul og trinhus i korrosionsbestandigt materiale
  • Flow- og NPSH-optimeret pumpehus
  • Vedligeholdelsesvenlig konstruktion med særligt robust koblingsbeskyttelse
  • Drikkevandsgodkendelse til pumper med dele i kontakt med væsken udført i rustfrit stål (EPDM-version)
Selvoptimerende, højeffektiv højtrykscentrifugalpumpe med flere trin i vertikal udførelse med inline-tilslutninger.

  • Vandforsyning og trykforøgelse
  • Industrielle cirkulationssystemer
  • Procesvand
  • Lukkede kølekredsløb
  • Brandslukningsanlæg
  • Bilvaskeanlæg
  • Vanding
  • Pumpehjul, styrehjul og trinhus i korrosionsbestandigt materiale
  • Helix V-højtrykscentrifugalpumpe
  • Monterings- og driftsvejledning
  • Helix V 2 – 16 (PN 16-version med ovalflanger): Modflanger i rustfrit stål, med tilhørende skruer, møtrikker og pakninger
Tekniske data
Elektrisk tilslutning:
  • 3~400 V (±10 %), 50 Hz
  • ≤ 4 kW 230 V/400 V; Δ/Y
  • > 4 kW 400 V/ 690 V; Δ/Y
  • 1~ 230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz, kun Wilo-Helix V 2, 4, 6, 10
  • Medietemperaturområde:
  • Helix V 2 – 16 (EPDM): -30 til +120 °C (130 °C på forespørgsel)
  • Helix V 2 – 16 til aggressive medier (FKM): -15 til +90 °C
  • Helix V22 – 52 (EPDM): -20 til +120 °C (130 °C på forespørgsel)
  • Helix V 22 – 52 til aggressive medier (FKM): -15 til +90 °C
  • Maks. driftstryk: 16/25/30 bar
  • Maks. indsugningstryk 10 bar
  • Kapslingsklasse: IP 55
  • Max. omgivende temperatur: -15 °C til +50 °C (udvidede temperaturområder på forespørgsel)
  • Versioner til rådighed:
  • Helix V 2 – 16: PN 16 med ovale flanger, PN 25/PN 40 med runde flanger iht. ISO 2531 og ISO 7005 (Victaulic-kobling på forespørgsel)
  • Helix V 22 – 52: PN 16/PN 25/PN 40 med runde flanger iht. ISO 2531 og ISO 7005
Helix V 2, 4, 6, 10, 16:

  • Pumpehjul, trinhus og styrehjul af rustfrit stål 1.4307 (AISI 304L)
  • Pumpehus af rustfrit stål 1.4301 (AISI 304)
  • Grundplade og lanterne af EN-GJL-250 (KTL-behandlet)
  • Aksel af rustfrit stål 1.4301 (AISI 304) eller 1.4462 (AISI 318LN) (afhængigt af version)
  • Muffe under akseltætningen 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • O-ring af EPDM (FKM-tætning på forespørgsel)
  • Mufferør i rustfrit stål 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Til aggressive medier
  • Pumpehjul, trinhus og styrehjul af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • Pumpehus af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • Aksel af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L) eller 1.4462 (AISI 318LN) (afhængigt af version)
  • Muffe under akseltætningen 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • O-ring af FKM (EPDM-tætning på forespørgsel)
  • Mufferør af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Helix V 22, 36, 52:

  • Trinhus, pumpehjul, styrehjul af rustfrit stål 1.4307 (AISI 304L)
  • Pumpehus af rustfrit stål 1.4308 (AISI 304) eller KTL-behandlet gråt støbejern EN-GJL 250, løs flange af KTL-behandlet gråt støbejern EN-GJL 250 til Helix V 22/EN-GJS 400 til Helix V 36-52.
  • Aksel af rustfrit stål 1.4057 (AISI 431)
  • Muffe under akseltætningen 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • O-ring af EPDM (FKM-tætning på forespørgsel)
  • Mufferør i rustfrit stål 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Til aggressive medier
  • Trinhus, pumpehjul, styrehjul af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • Pumpehus: Alle komponenter i kontakt med væsken er af rustfrit stål 1.4409 (AISI 316L); løs flange af KTL-behandlet gråt støbejern EN-GJL 250 til Helix V 22/EN-GJS 400 til Helix V 36-52.
  • Grundplade af rustfrit stål 1.4301 (AISI 304)
  • Aksel af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L) eller 1.4462 (AISI 318LN) (afhængigt af version)
  • Muffe under akseltætningen 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • O-ring af FKM (EPDM-tætning på forespørgsel)
  • Trykkappe af rustfrit stål 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
  • Pumper kan på forespørgsel tilpasses til bestemte forhold (f.eks. motorværn, motoreffektivitetsklasse IE4, VdS-certificerede Wilo-Helix-pumper, ATEX, udvidet omgivelsestemperaturområde).
  • Helix-serien fås også med integreret frekvensomformer
Bypass kit Helix 2-16
Artikelnummer: 4146788
Bypass batch:
Bypass kit for continuous ventilation of Helix pumps in series 2/ 4 / 6 / 10 / 16.
  • Comes with pressure gauge.
  • Suitable to use for all types of self and normal suction systems, e.g. irrigation, cooling towers etc.
Artikelnummer: 4157154
Footplate Helix:
Foot plate is for mounting on foundation or floor. It fits all pumps in the Helix series with a maximum engine power of 5.5 kW.
  • Pump housing (pump) is screwed into the foot plate with four bolts (dimension M8 or M10, depending on the pump size - see pump catalogue leaf), recommended length of bolt 40-70 mm.
  • The foot plate is equipped with vibration dampers, one in each corner.
  • Made of stainless steel.
  • Dimensions: 405 x 90 x 405 mm (W x H x D).
Artikelnummer: 500814696
Safety Valve:
The safety valve protects the system against overpressure when using water supply and pressure relief systems.
  • Activation pressure 10% above the factory preset pressure.
  • Allowed media - water without abrasive particles.
  • Media temperature max 130 ° C.
  • House made of plaster / brass.
  • Seal made by Perbunan / EPDM.
Note- the safety valves are only pre-set from the factory.
Artikelnummer: 2007147
Safety Valve:
The safety valve protects the system against overpressure when using water supply and pressure relief systems.
  • Activation pressure 10% above the factory preset pressure.
  • Allowed media - water without abrasive particles.
  • Media temperature max 130 ° C.
  • House made of plaster / brass.
  • Seal made by Perbunan / EPDM.
Note- the safety valves are only pre-set from the factory.
Switch Box KMS 3,2-16,0 A
Artikelnummer: 2835153
Artikelnummer: 2504386

Connection kit for connection of a low-water cut-out switchgear to single-pump pressure boosting systems CO-1 without speed control.
Artikelnummer: 2521150

Pressure switch as low-water signal transmitter for direct connection to the suction-side pipe provided by the customer.
Connection to the joint tubing Rp ¼' threaded bushing.
The pressure switch locks at 1.0 bar and enables at 1.3 bar (factory works setting in accordance with DIN 1988).
The factory settings cannot be modified.
Artikelnummer: 2541618
PRESS.SENSOR 1/4"0-10BAR 4-20M
Artikelnummer: 2541619
Artikelnummer: 2541620
PRESS.SENSOR 1/4"0-25BAR 4-20M
Artikelnummer: 2541621
PRESS.SENSOR 1/4"0-40BAR 4-20M
Artikelnummer: 2541622
Dryrun prot, adjustable 0,083-1,1 bar
Artikelnummer: 2835151
Flow sensor SP-GA 40
Artikelnummer: 2835501
Switch box FSF 3,2-16,0 A
Artikelnummer: 2835286

Udskiftningspumpe Udskiftningblad

Produkt navn Helix2.0-VE 208-1/16/E/S/3
Artikelnummer 4250655
MEI ≥ 0,7
IE 5
Byggelængde 160 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange Rp 25 PN16
Nominel strøm 2,0 A
Nominel effekt 1,1 kW
Pumpehøjde 832 mm
Midt rør/gulv 50 mm
Medietemperatur -30 - +120 °C


Passer uden krav om ombygning af rørsystemet.

Helix2.0-VE 208-1/16/E/S/3

Helix2.0-VE 208-1/16/E/S/3
Artikelnummer : 4250655
VVS-nummer :

Høj energieffektivitet til koldtvandsanlæg i store bygninger.
Wilo-Helix2.0-VE er den nye generation af lodrette pumper med flere trin til koldtvands-anvendelser i store bygninger. Den integrerede frekvensomformer sørger i et samspil mellem reguleringsfunktioner og IE5 EC-motordrev for optimal tilpasning til de mest forskellige trykforhold og gennemstrømningsmængder. Resultatet er høj energieffektivitet i både lukkede og åbne systemer. Den gennemprøvede Helix-hydraulik i rustfrit stål sikrer desuden høj pålidelighed. Et farvedisplay med overskuelig menunavigation og den velkendte "grøn-knap-teknologi" muliggør nem ibrugtagning og betjening af pumpen. Meget nem at integrere i bygningsautomatiseringen via analoge og digitale grænseflader og CIF-moduler.

Dine fordele
  • IE5 EC-motorteknologi og typiske reguleringsfunktioner giver høj energieffektivitet
  • Nem betjening vha. overskuelig menunavigation i farvedisplayet og grøn-knap-teknologi
  • Høj pålidelighed vha. gennemprøvet pumpehydraulik i rustfrit stål
  • Kan integreres i bygningsautomatiseringen via analoge og digitale grænseflader og CIF-moduler
Bypass kit Helix 2-16
Artikelnummer: 4146788
Bypass batch:
Bypass kit for continuous ventilation of Helix pumps in series 2/ 4 / 6 / 10 / 16.
  • Comes with pressure gauge.
  • Suitable to use for all types of self and normal suction systems, e.g. irrigation, cooling towers etc.
Artikelnummer: 4157154
Footplate Helix:
Foot plate is for mounting on foundation or floor. It fits all pumps in the Helix series with a maximum engine power of 5.5 kW.
  • Pump housing (pump) is screwed into the foot plate with four bolts (dimension M8 or M10, depending on the pump size - see pump catalogue leaf), recommended length of bolt 40-70 mm.
  • The foot plate is equipped with vibration dampers, one in each corner.
  • Made of stainless steel.
  • Dimensions: 405 x 90 x 405 mm (W x H x D).
Artikelnummer: 2007147
Safety Valve:
The safety valve protects the system against overpressure when using water supply and pressure relief systems.
  • Activation pressure 10% above the factory preset pressure.
  • Allowed media - water without abrasive particles.
  • Media temperature max 130 ° C.
  • House made of plaster / brass.
  • Seal made by Perbunan / EPDM.
Note- the safety valves are only pre-set from the factory.
IR-Stick WILO Set
Artikelnummer: 2109467
USB stick for wireless data exchange for all electronically controlled Wilo pumps with infra-red interface; can be adapted to any commercially-available Windows PCs/laptops with USB interface.
The IR-Stick in combination with the supplied Wilo software (CD-ROM), makes it possible to read out and save data records for pumps as well as send previously defined pump settings.
  • IR carrier frequency: 33 kHz / 455 kHz
  • Software upgrade: via USB
Particularly suitable for:
  • Inaccessibly installed pumps
  • Quick configuration of pumps
  • Extensive operating information
  • Detailed fault diagnosis
  • Statistical functions
  • Special settings/control modes for special requirements
  • Protection against unauthorised access
  • Archiving of pump data sets
Artikelnummer: 2504386

Connection kit for connection of a low-water cut-out switchgear to single-pump pressure boosting systems CO-1 without speed control.
Artikelnummer: 2521150

Pressure switch as low-water signal transmitter for direct connection to the suction-side pipe provided by the customer.
Connection to the joint tubing Rp ¼' threaded bushing.
The pressure switch locks at 1.0 bar and enables at 1.3 bar (factory works setting in accordance with DIN 1988).
The factory settings cannot be modified.
Artikelnummer: 2541618
Artikelnummer: 2541620
PRESS.SENSOR 1/4"0-25BAR 4-20M
Artikelnummer: 2541621
Dryrun prot, adjustable 0,083-1,1 bar
Artikelnummer: 2835151
Cable gland M20x1,5 CIF-Module
Artikelnummer: 2215131
Cable gland M12 RJ45 CIF-Module Ethernet
Artikelnummer: 2215132
Artikelnummer: 2835545
Artikelnummer: 2835546
Artikelnummer: 2835543
Artikelnummer: 2835544
CIF-Modul BACnet
Artikelnummer: 2190367
VVS-nummer: 381278300

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190369
VVS-nummer: 381278301

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190370
VVS-nummer: 381278302

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Modul Modbus
Artikelnummer: 2190368
VVS-nummer: 381278303

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190371
VVS-nummer: 381278304

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Module Ethernet
Artikelnummer: 2211408
VVS-nummer: 381278310

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Modul Modbus TCP
Artikelnummer: 2211409

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Differential Pressure Kit (0-232) 16 bar
Artikelnummer: 4194670

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

Udskiftningspumpe Udskiftningblad

Produkt navn Helix2.0-VE 208-1/16/E/KS/3
Artikelnummer 4250652
MEI ≥ 0,7
IE 5
Byggelængde 160 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange Rp 25 PN16
Nominel strøm 2,0 A
Nominel effekt 1,1 kW
Pumpehøjde 883 mm
Midt rør/gulv 50 mm
Medietemperatur -30 - +120 °C


Passer uden krav om ombygning af rørsystemet.
Replacement pump equiped with cartridge mechanical seal.

Helix2.0-VE 208-1/16/E/KS/3

Helix2.0-VE 208-1/16/E/KS/3
Artikelnummer : 4250652
VVS-nummer :

Høj energieffektivitet til koldtvandsanlæg i store bygninger.
Wilo-Helix2.0-VE er den nye generation af lodrette pumper med flere trin til koldtvands-anvendelser i store bygninger. Den integrerede frekvensomformer sørger i et samspil mellem reguleringsfunktioner og IE5 EC-motordrev for optimal tilpasning til de mest forskellige trykforhold og gennemstrømningsmængder. Resultatet er høj energieffektivitet i både lukkede og åbne systemer. Den gennemprøvede Helix-hydraulik i rustfrit stål sikrer desuden høj pålidelighed. Et farvedisplay med overskuelig menunavigation og den velkendte "grøn-knap-teknologi" muliggør nem ibrugtagning og betjening af pumpen. Meget nem at integrere i bygningsautomatiseringen via analoge og digitale grænseflader og CIF-moduler.

Dine fordele
  • IE5 EC-motorteknologi og typiske reguleringsfunktioner giver høj energieffektivitet
  • Nem betjening vha. overskuelig menunavigation i farvedisplayet og grøn-knap-teknologi
  • Høj pålidelighed vha. gennemprøvet pumpehydraulik i rustfrit stål
  • Kan integreres i bygningsautomatiseringen via analoge og digitale grænseflader og CIF-moduler
Bypass kit Helix 2-16
Artikelnummer: 4146788
Bypass batch:
Bypass kit for continuous ventilation of Helix pumps in series 2/ 4 / 6 / 10 / 16.
  • Comes with pressure gauge.
  • Suitable to use for all types of self and normal suction systems, e.g. irrigation, cooling towers etc.
Artikelnummer: 4157154
Footplate Helix:
Foot plate is for mounting on foundation or floor. It fits all pumps in the Helix series with a maximum engine power of 5.5 kW.
  • Pump housing (pump) is screwed into the foot plate with four bolts (dimension M8 or M10, depending on the pump size - see pump catalogue leaf), recommended length of bolt 40-70 mm.
  • The foot plate is equipped with vibration dampers, one in each corner.
  • Made of stainless steel.
  • Dimensions: 405 x 90 x 405 mm (W x H x D).
Artikelnummer: 2007147
Safety Valve:
The safety valve protects the system against overpressure when using water supply and pressure relief systems.
  • Activation pressure 10% above the factory preset pressure.
  • Allowed media - water without abrasive particles.
  • Media temperature max 130 ° C.
  • House made of plaster / brass.
  • Seal made by Perbunan / EPDM.
Note- the safety valves are only pre-set from the factory.
IR-Stick WILO Set
Artikelnummer: 2109467
USB stick for wireless data exchange for all electronically controlled Wilo pumps with infra-red interface; can be adapted to any commercially-available Windows PCs/laptops with USB interface.
The IR-Stick in combination with the supplied Wilo software (CD-ROM), makes it possible to read out and save data records for pumps as well as send previously defined pump settings.
  • IR carrier frequency: 33 kHz / 455 kHz
  • Software upgrade: via USB
Particularly suitable for:
  • Inaccessibly installed pumps
  • Quick configuration of pumps
  • Extensive operating information
  • Detailed fault diagnosis
  • Statistical functions
  • Special settings/control modes for special requirements
  • Protection against unauthorised access
  • Archiving of pump data sets
Artikelnummer: 2504386

Connection kit for connection of a low-water cut-out switchgear to single-pump pressure boosting systems CO-1 without speed control.
Artikelnummer: 2521150

Pressure switch as low-water signal transmitter for direct connection to the suction-side pipe provided by the customer.
Connection to the joint tubing Rp ¼' threaded bushing.
The pressure switch locks at 1.0 bar and enables at 1.3 bar (factory works setting in accordance with DIN 1988).
The factory settings cannot be modified.
Artikelnummer: 2541618
Artikelnummer: 2541620
PRESS.SENSOR 1/4"0-25BAR 4-20M
Artikelnummer: 2541621
Dryrun prot, adjustable 0,083-1,1 bar
Artikelnummer: 2835151
Cable gland M20x1,5 CIF-Module
Artikelnummer: 2215131
Cable gland M12 RJ45 CIF-Module Ethernet
Artikelnummer: 2215132
Artikelnummer: 2835545
Artikelnummer: 2835546
Artikelnummer: 2835543
Artikelnummer: 2835544
CIF-Modul BACnet
Artikelnummer: 2190367
VVS-nummer: 381278300

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190369
VVS-nummer: 381278301

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190370
VVS-nummer: 381278302

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Modul Modbus
Artikelnummer: 2190368
VVS-nummer: 381278303

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190371
VVS-nummer: 381278304

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Module Ethernet
Artikelnummer: 2211408
VVS-nummer: 381278310

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Modul Modbus TCP
Artikelnummer: 2211409

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Differential Pressure Kit (0-232) 16 bar
Artikelnummer: 4194670

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.