Eksisterende pumpe - Cirkulation
Udskiftningspumpe - Konventionel Udskiftningblad
IL 200/230-7,5/6

Særlige egenskaber/produktfordele
- Reducerede Life Cycle Costs på grund af optimeret virkningsgrad
- Seriemæssige kondensatudløbshuller i motorhusene
- Kan anvendes fleksibelt i klima- og køleanlæg med anvendelsesfordele på grund af målrettet kondensatbortledning ved hjælp af optimeret design af lanternen (patenteret)
- Høj korrosionsbeskyttelse på grund af katodisk elektroforetisk lakering
- Gode leveringsmuligheder i hele verden for standardmotorer (iht. Wilo-specifikationer) og standard-akseltætning
Tørløberpumpe i inline-konstruktion med flangeforbindelse.
Pumpning af opvarmningsvand (iht. VDI 2035), koldt vand og vand-glykol-blandinger uden slibende partikler i opvarmnings-, koldtvands- og kølesystemer.
- Pumpe
- Monterings- og driftsvejledning
- Tilladt temperaturområde -20 °C til +140 °C
- Nettilslutning 3~400 V, 50 Hz (andre på forespørgsel)
- Kapslingsklasse IP55
- Nominel diameter DN 32 til DN 250
- Maks. driftstryk 16 bar (25 bar på forespørgsel)
- Pumpehus og lanterne: Standard: EN-GJL-250; option sejjern EN-GJS-400-18-LT
- Pumpehjul: Standard: EN-GJL-200; specialversion: Bronze CuSn 10
- Aksel: 1.4122
- Akseltætning: AQEGG, andre akseltætninger på forespørgsel
Et-trins lavtrykscentrifugalpumpe i inline-konstruktion med:
- Akseltætning
- Flangeforbindelse med trykmålingsforbindelse R 1/8
- Lanterne
- Kobling
- IEC-normmotor

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.