1 erstatnings løsning fundet

Eksisterende pumpe - Cirkulation Pumpekurve

Fabrikat Perfecta
Produkt navn C2 40-14
Byggelængde 350 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange DN 40 PN10

Udskiftningspumpe - Konventionel Udskiftningblad

Produkt navn DPL 40/115-0,55/2
Artikelnummer 2089643
MEI ≥ 0,4
IE 2
Byggelængde 250 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange DN 40 PN10
Nominel strøm 1,33 A
Nominel effekt 0,55 kW
Medietemperatur -20 - +120 °C

Udskiftnings tilbehør

Mellemstykke tilsl. DN 32 PN10 til tilsl. 50 PN6, byggl 50 mm
Artikelnummer 2835413
Antal 2
VVS-nummer 381 28 8050


Passer sammen med erstatningstilbehør uden krav om ombygning af rørsystemet.
Kontakt Wilo-Teknisk indesalg ved pumpning med glycol eller har speciel materiale krav.

DPL 40/115-0,55/2

DPL 40/115-0,55/2
Artikelnummer : 2089643
VVS-nummer :

Særlige egenskaber/produktfordele
  • Reduktion af pladsbehovet og installationsomkostningerne på grund af dobbeltpumpekonstruktion
  • Hoved-/reservedrift eller spidsbelastningsdrift (ved hjælp af eksternt ekstraapparat)
  • Høj korrosionsbeskyttelse vha. katodisk elektroforetisk lakering
  • Version serie: Motor med udelt aksel
  • Version N: Standardmotor B5 eller V1 med stikaksel i rustfrit stål
Tørløberdobbeltpumpe i inline-konstruktion med flangetilslutning

Pumpning af opvarmningsvand (iht. VDI 2035), koldt vand og vand-glykol-blandinger uden slibende partikler i opvarmnings-, koldtvands- og kølesystemer.

  • Pumpe
  • Monterings- og driftsvejledning
Tekniske data
  • Tilladt temperaturområde -20 °C til +120 °C
  • Nettilslutning 3~400 V, 50 Hz (andre på forespørgsel)
  • Kapslingsklasse IP 55
  • Nominel diameter DN 32 til DN 100
  • Maks. driftstryk 10 bar (specialudførelse: 16 bar) 
  • Pumpehus og lanterne: EN-GJL-250
  • Pumpehjul: PP-glasfiberforstærket/EN-GJL-200 (afhængigt af pumpetype)
  • Aksel: 1.4021
  • Glideringstætning: AQ1EGG; andre glideringstætninger på forespørgsel
Et-trins lavtryksdobbeltpumpe med i inline-konstruktion med:
  • Omskifterventil
  • Glideringstætning 
  • Flangetilslutning med trykmålingstilslutning R 1/8
  • Motor med udelt aksel
Artikelnummer: 2835505
Artikelnummer: 2105579
Mating flanges:
  • Made of steel.
  • Counter flanges (weld) are delivered complete (in pairs) with bolt, nut and flange gasket.
Drypplade 720x500 typ 2.1
Artikelnummer: 2835382
Søjle Type 2
Artikelnummer: 2835498
Fodplade Type 2
Artikelnummer: 2835387
Artikelnummer: 2023965
Blinds for service and repair work.
  • Comes in a complete kit containing a lid and gasket.
Trimming impeller up to and incl. 4 kW
Artikelnummer: 2835488
Drilling flange up to DN100
Artikelnummer: 2835368
Flange gasket DN 40 PN6/10
Artikelnummer: 2150949
Flange gasket DN 40 PN6 / 10, Klingersil:
  • Thickness: 2 mm.
  • Inner diameter: 49 mm.
  • Outer diameter: 85 mm.
Difference pressure sensor 10 m
Artikelnummer: 2136454

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 20 m
Artikelnummer: 2136456

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 40 m
Artikelnummer: 2136458

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 60 m
Artikelnummer: 503184696

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 100 m
Artikelnummer: 503184799

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Frekvensomformer EFC-0,55 kW 3~
Artikelnummer: 2550225