Eksisterende pumpe - Cirkulation Pumpekurve
Udskiftningspumpe - Konventionel Udskiftningblad
Atmos GIGA-D 100/160-3/4

Den universelle tørløberpumpe til varme-, klima- og køleanvendelser i store bygninger.
Wilo-Atmos GIGA-D tilbyder en bred vifte af komponenter og materialer til forskellige anvendelsesmuligheder. Den kan transportere forskellige pumpemedier med temperaturer fra -20 °C til +140 °C og er derfor særdeles velegnet til klima- og køleapplikationer. Eventuelt dannet kondensat kan målrettet bortledes via et afløb. Pumpen, der er udstyret med den nyeste pumpehydraulik og IE3-motorer, er lige så driftssikker, som den er energibesparende. De støbte komponenter med korrisionsbestandig katodisk elektroforetisk lakering sikrer også en lang levetid.
- Avanceret pumpehydraulik og IE3-motorteknologi er garant for sikker og energibesparende drift
- Lang levetid takket være korrosionsbestandig katodisk elektroforetisk lakering af alle støbte komponenter
- Målrettet bortledning af kondensat ved anvendelse af klima- og køleanlæg
- Enkel installation med mulighed for fastgørelse af pumpefødderne for maksimal stabilitet
- Kan anvendes til hoved-/reservedrift eller spidsbelastningsdrift (med eksternt ekstraapparat)

- Made of steel.
- Counter flanges (weld) are delivered complete (in pairs) with bolt, nut and flange gasket.

- Comes in a complete kit containing a lid and gasket.

- Thickness: 2 mm.
- Inner diameter: 115 mm.
- Outer diameter: 152 mm.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.