2 erstatnings løsninger fundet

Eksisterende pumpe - Cirkulation Pumpekurve

Fabrikat Perfecta
Produkt navn C 65-33
Byggelængde 400 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange DN 65 PN10

Udskiftningspumpe - Højeffektiv Premium Smart Udskiftningblad

Produkt navn Stratos GIGA2.0-I 50/1-37/3,0
Artikelnummer 2204737
MEI ≥ 0,7
IE 5
Byggelængde 280 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange DN 50 PN16
Nominel strøm 5,1 A
Nominel effekt 3 kW
Medietemperatur -20 - +140 °C


OBS! Ombygget af rør.
Kontakt Wilo-Teknisk indesalg ved pumpning med glycol eller har speciel materiale krav.

Stratos GIGA2.0-I 50/1-37/3,0

Stratos GIGA2.0-I 50/1-37/3,0
Artikelnummer : 2204737
VVS-nummer :

Højeffektiv inline-pumpe med EC-motor i energiklasse IE5 iht. IEC 60034-30-2, hydraulisk mindsteeffektivitetsindeks MEI ≥ 0,7 og elektronisk ydelsestilpasning i tørløberkonstruktion. Pumpen er konstrueret som et-trins lavtrykscentrifugalpumpe med flangeforbindelse og akseltætning. Stratos GIGA2.0-I er først og fremmest designet til pumpning af opvarmningsvand (iht. VDI 2035), koldt vand og vand-glykol-blandinger uden slibende partikler i varme-, klima- og kølesystemer.

  • Et-trins lavtrykscentrifugalpumpe med udelt aksel i blokkonstruktion
  • Spiralhus i inline-konstruktion (suge- og trykstuds med samme flanger i én linje)
  • Flange PN 16 - boret iht. EN 1092-2
  • Trykmåletilslutninger (R 1/8) til monterede differenstryktransmittere (version ...-R1 uden differenstryktransmitter)
  • Pumpehus og motorflange seriemæssigt med katodisk elektroforetisk lakering
  • Akseltætning til pumpning af vand op til Tmax. = +140 °C. Op til T ≤ +40 °C er en glykol-tilsætning på 20 % til 40 % volumenandel tilladt. Ved vand-/glykol-blandinger med andele glykol > 40 % indtil maks. 50 % volumenandel og en medietemperatur på > +40 °C indtil maks. +120 °C eller andre medier afvigende fra vand skal der anvendes en alternativ akseltætning.
  • Tilslutningsspændinger: 3~440 V ±10% 50/60 Hz; 3~400 V ±10% 50/60 Hz; 3~380 V -5 % +10% 50/60 Hz
  • Permanent, automatisk ydelsestilpasning til anlæggets behov uden angivelse af nominel værdi Wilo-Dynamic Adapt plus (fabriksindstilling).
  • Temperatur konstant (T-const.)
  • Differenstemperatur konstant (dT-const.)
  • Behovstilpasset optimeret gennemstrømningsvolumen for forsyningspumpen gennem netværksforbindelse og kommunikation med flere sekundærpumper (Multi-Flow Adaptation).
  • Konstant gennemstrømningsvolumen (Q-const.)
  • Variabelt differenstryk (dp-v) med tilvalgsmulighed for indstilling af nominelt driftspunkt Q og H
  • Konstant differenstryk (dp-c)
  • Differenstrykregulering dp-c ved et fjernere punkt i rørnettet (regulering af "værste punkt")
  • Konstant hastighed (n-const.)
  • Brugerdefineret PID-regulering
  • Registrering af varmemængde
  • Registrering af kølemængde
  • Indstillelig begrænsning af gennemstrømningsvolumen med Q-Limit-funktion (Qmin. og Qmax.)
  • Driftstyper dobbeltpumpe: Hoved-/reservedrift, effektivitetsoptimeret paralleldrift for dp-c og dp-v
  • Automatisk frakobling af pumpen ved nul-gennemstrømnings-registrering (No-Flow Stop)
  • Omstilling mellem varme- og kølefunktion (automatisk, eksternt eller manuelt)
  • Lagring og genopretning af de konfigurerede pumpeindstillinger (3 genopretningspunkter)
  • Visning af fejl-/advarselsmeldinger i klartekst inklusive afhjælpningsanbefaling
  • Integreret fuldt motorværn
Visning i det grafiske displays "home-screen"
  • Aktuelt indstillet reguleringstype
  • Aktuel nominel værdi
  • Aktuelt flow (kun ved tilsluttet differenstryktransmitter)
  • Aktuel medietemperatur (kun ved tilsluttet temperaturføler)
  • Aktuelt effektforbrug
  • Kumuleret strømforbrug
  • 4 konfigurerbare analoge indgange: 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA og gængs PT1000 (kun ved to analoge indgange); spændingsforsyning med +24 V DC
  • 2 konfigurerbare digitale indgange (Ext. OFF, Ext. Min, Ext. Max, opvarmning/køling, manuel overstyring (bygningsautomatisering frakoblet), betjeningsspærre (tastelås og fjernbetjeningskonfigurationsbeskyttelse))
  • 2 konfigurerbare signalrelæer til drifts- og fejlmeldinger
  • Slot til Wilo-CIF-moduler med grænseflader til bygningsautomatisering (ekstratilbehør: CIF-moduler Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TP, LON, PLR, CAN)
  • Wilo Net som Wilo-systembus til indbyrdes kommunikation mellem Wilo-produkter, f.eks. Multi-Flow Adaptation; dobbeltpumpedrift og Wilo-Smart Gateway
  • Automatisk nøddrift ved særlige tilstande (definerbar pumpehastighed) f.eks. ved svigt i buskommunikationen eller af følerværdier
  • Drejeligt, grafisk farvedisplay (4,3 tommer) med betjening via en-knaps-betjeningsniveau
  • Bluetooth-grænseflade via Wilo-Smart Connect modul BT
  • Udlæsning og indstilling af driftsdata f.eks. oprettelse af en ibrugtagningsprotokol via Bluetooth-interface ved hjælp af Wilo-Assistant-appen
  • Dobbeltpumpestyring integreret (dobbeltpumper er ledningsforbundne), ved anvendelse af 2 enkeltpumper som dobbeltpumpeenhed, forbindelse via Wilo Net
  • Kabelbrudsregistrering ved analogt signal (i forbindelse med 2-10V eller 4-20mA)
  • Tidsstempel til fejl/advarsler og driftsdatahistorik
  • Permanent driftsdatahukommelse
  • Seriemæssige kondensatudløbsboringer i motorhuset (lukkede ved levering)
  • Ventilationsventil på lanternen
  • Pumpe
  • Wilo-Smart Connect modul BT
  • Kabelforskruninger med pakningsindsatser
  • Installationsvejledning (sammendrag) og overensstemmelseserklæring
Tilbehør (skal bestilles separat)
  • 3 konsoller med fastgørelsesmateriale til opbygning af fundament
  • Blindflange til dobbeltpumpehus
  • Monteringshjælp til akseltætning (inkl. monteringsbolte)
Til forbindelse til bygningsautomatiseringen
  • CIF-modul PLR
  • CIF-modul LON
  • CIF-modul BACnet MS/TP
  • CIF-modul Modbus RTU
  • CIF-Modul CANopen
  • CIF-modul Ethernet multiprotokol (Modbus TCP, BACnet/ IP)
  • Differenstryktransmitter DDG 2-10V
  • Temperaturføler PT1000 AA
  • Følerlomme til installation af temperaturfølere i rørledningen
Drypplade 380x400 typ 1.1
Artikelnummer: 2835379
Søjle Type 1
Artikelnummer: 2835497
Artikelnummer: 2835505
Artikelnummer: 2105581
Mating flanges:
  • Made of steel.
  • Counter flanges (weld) are delivered complete (in pairs) with bolt, nut and flange gasket.
Beslag, DN 50-bl 280
Artikelnummer: 2835401

Flange gasket DN 50 PN6/10
Artikelnummer: 2150974
Flange gasket DN 50 PN6 / 10, Klingersil:
  • Thickness: 2 mm.
  • Inner diameter: 61 mm.
  • Outer diameter: 96 mm.
Cable gland M20x1,5 CIF-Module
Artikelnummer: 2215131
Cable gland M12 RJ45 CIF-Module Ethernet
Artikelnummer: 2215132
PT 1000 AA Sensor f.heating circulation 3m
Artikelnummer: 2193422
VVS-nummer: 381240920

Temperature sensor for installation in immersion sleeve with inside diameter 6.5 mm.
Connection to Stratos Maxo to detect the fluid temperature in the case of temperature-dependent pump control or to detect heating/cooling quantities.
  • Sensor Pt 1000 Class AA, ø6 x 40 mm
  • Cable length: 3 m
  • Measurement range: -5 °C to 70 °C, briefly up to 90 °C
Pipe surface contact sensor Pt 1000 B
Artikelnummer: 2193421
VVS-nummer: 381240910

Temperature sensor for attachment to pipes.
Connection to Stratos Maxo-Z to detect the hot water outlet temperature on the reservoir to detect the thermal disinfection.
  • Sensor Pt 1000 Class B, ø8.5 x 35 mm
  • Cable length 5 m
  • Measurement range -5 °C to 70 °C, briefly up to 90 °C.
Immersion well G 1/2", 45mm
Artikelnummer: 2193423
VVS-nummer: 381240924

Immersion sleeve with PG 7 clamp bolting and silicone rings.
For admission of the immersion sensor Pt 1000 AA for connection to Stratos MAXO.
  • Thread: G 1/2
  • Inner Ø 6.4 mm for sensor to ø6 mm
  • Length of engagement 45 mm for installation in thread T-connector for use with pipes from DN 25 to approx. DN 50
CIF-Modul BACnet
Artikelnummer: 2190367
VVS-nummer: 381278300

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190369
VVS-nummer: 381278301

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190370
VVS-nummer: 381278302

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Modul Modbus
Artikelnummer: 2190368
VVS-nummer: 381278303

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Artikelnummer: 2190371
VVS-nummer: 381278304

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Smart Gateway
Artikelnummer: 2197100

REG device to establish communication between Wilo products with Wilo Net and the Wilo-Smart Cloud via Internet.
Enables remote monitoring and control of connected products using the Wilo-Smart connect function in the Wilo Assistant app.
CIF-Module Ethernet
Artikelnummer: 2211408
VVS-nummer: 381278310

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
CIF-Modul Modbus TCP
Artikelnummer: 2211409

Interface modules as retrofittable plug-in modules for extending the communication interfaces of the pump in accordance with various standards and protocol variants according to type key.

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
  • Control commands to the pump
  • Messages from the pump
  • Process values
Temperatursensor STM
Artikelnummer: 2194058
VVS-nummer: 381240901
Temperatursensor Stratos MAXO -R7
Temperatursensor beregnet til Stratos MAXO -R7 og Stratos MAXO -D -R7.

  • Betjening via styringstilstand T-konst. og ΔT-konst
  • Natsænkning
  • Måling af varme- og køleenergi
  • Automatisk skift mellem varme/køling
Difference pressure sensor 10 m
Artikelnummer: 2136454

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 20 m
Artikelnummer: 2136456

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.

Udskiftningspumpe - Konventionel Udskiftningblad

Produkt navn Atmos GIGA-I 40/150-4/2
Artikelnummer 2220086
MEI ≥ 0,4
IE 3
Byggelængde 340 mm
Spænding 3x400 V
Pumpehusgange/-flange DN 40 PN16
Nominel strøm 7,75 A
Nominel effekt 4 kW
Medietemperatur -20 - +140 °C


OBS! Ombygget af rør.
Kontakt Wilo-Teknisk indesalg ved pumpning med glycol eller har speciel materiale krav.

Atmos GIGA-I 40/150-4/2

Atmos GIGA-I 40/150-4/2
Artikelnummer : 2220086
VVS-nummer :

Tørløberpumpe i inline-konstruktion med flangeforbindels.e

Pumpning af opvarmningsvand (iht. VDI 2035), koldt vand og vand-glykol-blandinger uden slibende substanser i varmtvands-, koldtvands- og kølesystemer.

Tekniske data
  • Tilladt temperaturområde for pumpemediet -20 °C til +140 °C
  • Maks. omgivelsestemperatur 40 °C
  • Nettilslutning 3~400 V, 50 Hz (andre på forespørgsel)
  • Kapslingsklasse IP55
  • Nominel diameter DN 32 til DN 250
  • Standardversion til driftstryk: 13 bar (til +140 °C)/16 bar (til +120 °C)
  • Pumpehus og lanterne: Standard: EN-GJL-250;
  • Pumpehjul: Standard: EN-GJL-200; specialudførelse: Bronze CuSn 10 rustfrit stål 1.4408
  • Aksel: 1.4122
  • Akseltætning: AQEGG, andre glideringstætninger på forespørgsel
Et-trins lavtrykscentrifugalpumpe i inline-konstruktion med:
  • Akseltætning
  • Flangetilslutning med trykmålingstilslutning R 1/8
  • Lanterne
  • Kobling
  • IEC-standardmotor
  • Pumpe
  • Monterings- og driftsvejledning
Artikelnummer: 2835505
Artikelnummer: 2105579
Mating flanges:
  • Made of steel.
  • Counter flanges (weld) are delivered complete (in pairs) with bolt, nut and flange gasket.
Drypplade 720x500 typ 2.1
Artikelnummer: 2835382
Søjle Type 2
Artikelnummer: 2835498
Fodplade Type 2
Artikelnummer: 2835387
Trimming impeller up to and incl. 4 kW
Artikelnummer: 2835488
Drilling flange up to DN100
Artikelnummer: 2835368
Flange gasket DN 40 PN6/10
Artikelnummer: 2150949
Flange gasket DN 40 PN6 / 10, Klingersil:
  • Thickness: 2 mm.
  • Inner diameter: 49 mm.
  • Outer diameter: 85 mm.
Switch Box KMS 3,2-16,0 A
Artikelnummer: 2835153
Switch box KMS 1,0-5,0 A
Artikelnummer: 2835149
Artikelnummer: 2120444
Wall-mounted unit for electrical connection of single-phase and three-phase pumps with integrated thermal winding contacts (WSK) for monitoring the winding temperature (full motor protection).
Automatic reactivation of pump after power failure and automatic fault acknowledgement after cooling off of the motor.

  • Full motor protection tripping unit for pumps with thermal winding contact (WSK)
  • Switch on/off with integrated run signal light
  • Terminals for external, potential-free activation/deactivation
  • Connection terminal strip
Artikelnummer: 2120445
Wall-mounted unit for electrical connection of single-phase and three-phase pumps with integrated thermal winding contacts (WSK) for monitoring the winding temperature (full motor protection) and external run/fault signal.
Automatic reactivation of pump after power failure and automatic fault acknowledgement after cooling off of the motor.

  • Full motor protection tripping unit for pumps with thermal winding contact (WSK)
  • Switch on/off with integrated run signal light
  • Fault signal light
  • Terminals for external, potential-free activation/deactivation
  • Potential-free contacts for external run signal (SBM) and fault signal (SSM)
  • Connection terminal strip
Scope of delivery:
  • Switchgear SK 622N
  • 4 threaded cable connections M20
  • Installation and operating instructions
Difference pressure sensor 10 m
Artikelnummer: 2136454

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 20 m
Artikelnummer: 2136456

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 40 m
Artikelnummer: 2136458

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 60 m
Artikelnummer: 503184696

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 100 m
Artikelnummer: 503184799

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Frekvensomformer EFC 4,0 kW 3~
Artikelnummer: 2551152