Eksisterende pumpe - Afløp
Udskiftningspumpe Udskiftningblad
MTC 40F16.15/7-A 1~
Your advantages
- Heavy-duty version made of cast iron
- External macerator
- Sealing with mechanical seal on fluid side
- Sealing chamber
Submersible sewage pump with external macerator for continuous duty for stationary and portable wet well installation..
Pumping of:
- Sewage containing faeces
- Pre-cleaned sewage without faeces and long-fibre components
- Wastewater
- Macerator with external blade and pulling cut
- Winding temperature monitoring with bimetallic strip
- Pump
- 10-metre connection cable with bare cable end
- A version with attached float switch and shockproof plug
- Installation and operating instructions
- Mains connection: 1~230 V, 50 Hz (only MTC 40) and 3~400 V, 50 Hz
- Submerged operating mode: S1
- Non-immersed operating mode: S2-15 min or S3 30%
- Protection class: IP68
- Insulation class: F
- Fluid temperature: 3…40 °C (MTC 40: 3…35 °C)
- Cable length: 10 m
- Motor housing: EN-GJL-200 or EN-GJL-250
- Hydraulics housing: EN-GJL-250
- Impeller: EN-GJL-HB175, EN-GJS-500 or EN-GJL-250
- Shaft: Stainless steel 1.0503, 1.7225 or 1.4021
- Macerator: Stainless steel 1.4112, Abrasit/1.4034 or X102CrMo17K4
- Sealing on pump side: SiC/SiC
- Sealing on motor side:
- MTC 40 Al oxide/SiC
- MTC 32F39.16: NBR
- MTC 32F49.17 and MTC 32F55.13: Carbon/ceramic
- Static gasket: NBR
Submersible sewage pump with external macerator as submersible monobloc unit for stationary and portable wet well installation in continuous duty.
The outlet on the pressure side is designed as a horizontal thread connection/flange connection (MTC 40) or as flange connection (MTC 32). Open multi-channel impellers are used.
The motors available are surface-cooled motors in single-phase version (only MTC 40) and three-phase version for direct starting. The waste heat is given off directly to the surrounding fluid via the motor housing. These motors can operated immersed in continuous duty (S1) and non-immersed in short-time duty (S2) or intermittent periodic duty (S3).
Furthermore the motors are equipped with thermal winding monitoring. The thermal winding monitor protects the motor winding from overheating. Bimetallic strips are used for this as standard.
The connection cable has bare cable ends and is 10 m long as standard. The "A" model is equipped with a float switch and shockproof plug.
There is a sealing chamber between the motor and hydraulics. It is filled with medical white oil and protects the motor from media ingress by the seal on pump side. Pump-side and motor-side sealing is available in different versions depending on the motor type:
MTC 32F39.16: mechanical seal on the fluid side, two rotary shaft seals on the motor side
MTC 32F49.17, ...55.13 and MTC 40: two independently acting mechanical seals
Switching points: up ON / down OFF
Switching points: up ON / down OFF
Switching points: up ON / down OFF
Udskiftningspumpe Udskiftningblad
Rexa MINI3-S03/M008-523/A
Skæreværkspumpen Wilo-Rexa MINI3-S giver sikker vandafledning fra huse og grunde. Den kompakte konstruktion og det radiale skæreværk med dobbeltskær-effekt muliggør sikker tømning af små pumpebrønde, som sivebrønde eller opsamlingsskakter. Desuden reduceres installationsomkostningerne takket være anvendelsen af minimal rørføring. Kvalitetsmotoren har en dobbelt pakning og er nem at vedligeholde. Motorhuset af rustfrit stål er korrosionsbestandigt, også ved opdykket drift. Installationen af enfase-pumperne er ukompliceret takket være den lave vægt og det indbyggede stik: Tilsluttes ganske enkelt til eksisterende stikkontakt. Ved pumper med monteret flydekontakt sker ibrugtagningen automatisk. Pumperne tændes og slukkes alt efter påfyldningsniveau.
- Fremragende tilstopningssikkerhed takket være et skæreværk med dobbeltskær-effekt
- Optimeret hydraulik/skæreværk-kombination til bred afdækning af løftehøjden ved minimalt ydelsesbehov til strømtilslutning i husholdningen
- Lave samlede installationsomkostninger ved anvendelse af minimal rørføring
- Nem anvendelse i husholdningen takket være lav vægt
- Lang levetid takket være kvalitetsmotor med dobbelt pakning
- Høj korrosionsbestandighed, også ved opdykket motor takket være motorhus i rustfrit stål